Please note: our client list is currently full. Please still feel free to contact us for a free consultation to determine if you would be a good candidate for our waitlist.

No two clients have the same family or the same research needs. We offer several commonly asked-for packages for family history research, but please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your specific case and needs.

Hourly rate is typically around £50 GBP / $60 USD for basic projects.

Some projects may be suitable for an agreed-upfront, fixed-rate cost.

Fees may vary depending on the type of work and project - see below.

How Do I Hire Scientific Genealogy?

If you are considering our services, you can email or use our easy contact form to get in touch and write a few sentences explaining your research needs.

What happens next?

After receiving your request, we arrange a free consultation - usually by online video chat, but over phone or email if you prefer. In the consultation, we ask essential questions and learn more about your needs to see if our service is the best fit for your project.

For a general family history research project or a lineage application for a new client, we normally begin with an initial 3-5 hour search. The client then receives a report detailing everything we have found (or not found, which is sometimes the case) as well as a detailed list of all archives searched. If the search is promising, we may recommend further research and advise on the number of hours the research might take. It is up to the client to decide whether they would like to proceed with any additional research hours.

For DNA projects, we first spend 1-2 hours determining whether the project is feasible given the generations involved and the type of DNA required to break down the brick wall (autosomal, Y-DNA, mtDNA, or a combination). Clients can request a consultation to explain their DNA results, or they can request further research and a full genetic genealogy report focused on a specific research question.

For archival projects, house histories, and artefacts, we typically ask to see the archive, house, or object. Depending on the nature of the project, this may just be a request for digital photographs and known information, or it may be a request to visit the artefact, archive, or home in person (especially if the project involves physically organising, preserving, or digitising a family collection). Pricing depends on the nature of the project and the hours required, and the budget and boundaries of the project will always be established and agreed upon before any research takes place.

What if I just need advice?

We also offer in-depth consultations for clients who wish to research their own family history but have hit a brick wall and feel stuck. Some clients wish to consult a professional genealogist to better understand what might be the best next steps, what types of archives are available, or what type of DNA test might be the best fit for their specific research problem. If so, you may consider a consultation-only package.

Typical Pricing Packages Include

  • Specific brick wall request: 3-5 hours of research

  • Limited Project: 10 hours of research, plus document costs (e.g., ordering a death certificate)

  • Extensive Project: 20 hours of research, plus document costs

  • Genetic Genealogy Project: up to 7 generations and 3-20+ hours of research

  • Family Tree Authentication: up to 12 generations and 5-20+ hours of research

  • Lineage application: 5-20 hours of research, plus document costs and application fees

  • Archival organisation and storage: typically 3-10 hours depending on the project

  • Digitisation and archival package: typically 5-30 hours depending on the project

  • Research Consultation: 2-3 hours (1-2 hours for the genealogist to review existing genealogy research, 1 hour for the consultation)

All family history research projects receive a comprehensive Research Report. If suitable, consultation-only packages may receive a copy of any slideshows viewed or a written review of what was discussed.

Genetic Genealogy projects typically receive two reports: (1) a complete report for private use, and (2) a privatised report with sensitive names and information removed for public use.

Sample Research Reports

Please click on the links below for examples of Research Reports:

Note that the examples above are just for reference. Final genealogy reports for 20+ hour family history projects typically run 40+ pages, depending on available documentation and analysis. A verified pedigree chart is always included as part of a full genealogy project.

Contact Form

Please contact us to register your interest, set up a free consultation, or ask any questions.